WHEN: Sunday, March 2 - Tuesday, March 4, 2014
WHERE: Keystone Lodge & Conference Center in Keystone, Colorado
The conference, brought to you by the Parkinson Association of the Rockies, will focus on research, care and support systems through plenary sessions, workshops and panel discussions. Highlights will include: the Michael J. Fox Foundation Research Roundtable, NASA Astronaut Rich Clifford and invited national and international speakers recognized for their expertise in the PD community, including selected speakers from Keystone Symposia's concurrent scientific meetings on Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Disease.
The conference is a rare opportunity for those researchers, scientists and clinicians serving the Parkinson community, as well as those individuals living with the disease and their care partners to interact with and learn from each other.
Conference Fee: $275/Participant
Conference Fee Includes:
Entry to All Sessions
Cocktail Receptions (Sunday & Monday)
Continental Breakfast (Monday & Tuesday)
Coffee Breaks (Monday & Tuesday)
Lunch (Monday & Tuesday)
Conference Fee does NOT include lodging or travel accommodations. See more at: http://parkinsonrockies.kintera.org/faf/help/helpEventInfo.asp?ievent=1089631&lis=1&kntae1089631=B3CED3DF00B94B14B183374959F9CE94#sthash.fY8Eedwz.dpuf
(303) 830-1839 | [email protected] - See more at: http://parkinsonrockies.kintera.org/faf/home/default.asp?ievent=1089631
Speakers and Presenters at Global Community Conference on Parkinson’s Disease
Stanley Fahn, MD, of Columbia University, is literally one of the founding fathers of this profession. He founded the Movement Disorder Society and edited their journal for over a decade. He has mentored and educated many of the brightest minds in the field of Parkinson's disease and has been involved in literally every large study for Parkinson's disease over past 40 years.
Joseph Jankovic, MD., at Baylor, did his fellowship training with Dr. Fahn in the early 70s. He has been involved in 100s of clinical trials for Parkinson's disease over the past 40 years and has authored over 800 articles.
Neuroscientist Dennis Selkoe of Harvard University has founded and directs 2 labs focused on the study of neurodegenerative diseases. His team was instrumental in identifying the role of beta amyloid plaques in the progression of Alzheimer's disease.
Although Patrick Lewis, a research fellow for Parkinson's UK, is still early in his career, he has already done very interesting research on genetic mutations of the Park8 gene, LRRK2, currently the most commonly identified genetic cause of Parkinson's disease.
Caroline Tanner, MD is the Director of Clinical Research of the Parkinson's Institute in Sunnyvale, California. She has done groundbreaking research on the link between pesticides use and Parkinson's disease. Interestingly, the Parkinson’s Institute was founded by another brilliant neurologist, William Langston. Dr Langston discovered the link between MTPT and Parkinson's disease, a chemical that allowed researchers to induce symptoms of Parkinson's disease, leading to many groundbreaking research breakthroughs.
German researcher, Thomas Gasser MD is the director of the department of neurodegenerative diseases at the University of Tubingen. He has done extensive research on the genetic causes of Parkinson's disease with over 200 articles in peer-reviewed journals. He's also co-director of the Parkinson's Genome Network
Becky Farley, PT PhD is the founder of Parkinson's Wellness Recovery (PWR!) a high intensity, interdisciplinary approach to treating Parkinson's disease. Many of you may know Dr. Farley from her work developing the LSVT BIG program in the early 2000s. The program, Parkinson's Wellness Recovery (PWR!) is a more dynamic and flexible expansion of many of those concepts, incorporating speech, voice and cognitive components as well.
Deborah Hall, MD of Rush University of Chicago was initially at the University of Colorado movement disorders program. She has been involved in research ranging from genetic elements of the disease to the benefits of exercise for Parkinson's disease (including some of the recent research by Margaret Schenkman at CU Denver).
Helen and James Whitworth are the founders of the Lewy Bodies Dementia Association (LBDA) and authors of a very excellent book, "A Caregivers Guide to Lewy Body Dementia". They are a fabulous resource of information to help care partners helping their loved ones cope with many different elements of the disease.
Andrew Singleton of the NIH, has developed a large body of research on the genetic causes of Parkinson's disease, including some early seminal work on LRRK2 imitations.
Haydeh Payami of the Wadsworth Center in New York, has also done interest in work regarding genetic and environmental factors involved in Parkinson's disease (including an interesting study on the protective effects of coffee). She also has a strong focus on healthy aging, particularly healthy brain aging.
Ken Marek of Yale University, is cofounder of the Institute for Neurodegenerative Disorders is a nonprofit focused on evaluating and developing new treatments for Parkinson's disease as well as methods for early identification of Parkinson's disease.
The closing speaker is Dave Iverson host of the radio program, "Forum” at KQED in San Francisco. He's also the writer, director/producer and correspondent for the PBS Frontline documentary "My Father, My Brother and Me" about his family’s struggle with Parkinson's disease. Since Dave’s diagnosis with Parkinson's disease in 2004, he has been a relentless advocate and public spokesperson for Parkinson's disease.
As an additional treat, former NASA astronaut Rich Clifford, the only person to perform a spacewalk after receiving a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease, will be speaking about his experiences. In addition, the conference will be premiering the one-hour documentary, "The Astronaut’s Secret” about Dr. Clifford's incredible story.
In addition, a number of local neurologists, neurosurgeons and scientists with expertise in Parkinson’s disease have been invited to speak.