Instead of comparing our lot with that of those who are more fortunate than we are, we should compare it with the lot of the great majority of our fellow men. It then appears that we are among the privileged. Helen Keller
I COMPARE myself with people who are more fortunate, taller, leaner, smarter, healthier, prettier, more talented and those who are better speakers, writers, athletes, musicians, singers, and the list goes on. I’m GUILTY of these charges. When I get stuck in a place of jealousy and envy, I need to reflect on my blessings. I start by keeping a gratitude journal of the little and big joys while living with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) with Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). To begin…
I am GRATEFUL to my husband, Tom, for sharing our lives together for more than 40 years and for his patience and sense of adventure while on my PD path.
I am APPRECIATIVE of my brother, Tom, and my sisters, Pat and Denise, who really “get” this PD and DBS stuff. They allow me to express whatever I feel at the moment, and I don’t have to sugar-coat PD and DBS when I’m talking to them.
I am BLESSED to have Donna Miller, as my business partner who volunteers with me and works with individuals and families with DBS. She brings passion and energy to every person and situation she encounters.
I am FORTUNATE that Valerie Graham, the co-founder of the DBS Voices of the Rockies, is in my life. Her gifts are her compassion and sensitivity relating to those in need, combined with her tenacity in getting the job done.
I’m LUCKY to have found a kindred spirit in my friendship with Mary Spremulli. As a speech and voice therapist, Mary has helped me to improve my speech and voice, and as a friend she has provided guidance, support and hope.
I feel HONORED to have met so many people in the Parkinson’s and DBS communities who have impacted me personally—those living with PD and DBS, the wonderful DBS medical teams in the Denver area, and those allied professionals providing speech, physical and occupational therapy who are often overlooked.
And finally, I THANK my dear readers, who are supportive of my writing and who allow me to do what I love doing and trust me by sharing their personal struggles along the way.
Happy Thanksgiving—Thursday, November 26, 2015