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Valerie Graham

Thanks, Kate! I am as moved now reading Bryn's heartfelt and powerful message in print as I was sitting in the audience listening to his remarks during the Opening Ceremonies of the 2nd WPC in Glasgow last Tuesday evening. As Bryn so eloquently states, each of us with Parkinson's has something valuable to contribute to the battle to defeat this disease. The physicians, scientists and researchers cannot do it alone-- we, as patients, have a responsibility to ourselves and or communities to reassert control over the direction our lives take. We may have no say over whether we contract PD, but we do have control over how we respond to its relentless and insidious impact not only on our lives, but those of our families, friends, colleagues and fellow citizens.

There are countless ways to contribute-- attend or lead a support group; participate in a clinical research trial; raise public awareness and/or funds for research by participating in the Unity Walk or similar event; become an advocate on behalf of the Parkinson's Action Network or other grassroots advocacy organization and contact your local and national legislators;-- but take action NOW! In my experience, a renewed sense of purpose and meaning in life is the greatest gift you can give yourself. It is as empowering, if not more so, as any medication or therapy yet discovered!!

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