I was tired of exercising my stiff Parkinson’s body and lifeless Parkinson’s voice. It was tedious, repetitive and boring. I dreaded it and avoided it. It wasn’t fun until…
I discovered speech-language pathologist, Mary Spremulli and her Voice AerobicsTM program and voice strengthening products.
In particular, I enjoy Mary’s latest product, Voice AerobicsTM Songbirds CD with speech and voice exercises set to music.
Songbirds CD is LIVELY. Singing along with Mary’s energetic voice is contagious. My voice becomes ENERGIZED too.
It is FUN to practice the exercises, never tedious or boring.
My voice DANCES with the CD's waltz, tango, bossa nova and samba music.
Songbirds CD is UNIQUE, one of a kind and creative.
Mary’s passion and enthusiasm toward fulfilling her MISSION* is clearly demonstrated in Songbirds CD.
*MiSSION of Mary Spremulli, MA, CCC-SLP:
To enlist individuals in their treatment and help them to express their personality through voice. To educate and empower.
To learn and read more, visit:
Website: www.VoiceAerobicsDVD.com
Blog: www.VoiceAerobicsDVD.blogspot.com
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