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parkinson illness

Think about the problem of misinterpretation of e-mail. The sender composes a message in which the words seem clear as the send button is pushed.

Larry Callaway

I have been working with PD patients for quite some time now. The top 5 things that I have heard from my patients at the specific chiropractic center are
1) They wish they could smile more often
2) They wish obstacles (chairs, tables etc) did not slow them down
3) They wish their voice was not hoarse
4) Wish they could sleep more
5) With they could shake hands when the wanted to
I would imagine that these are universal. I like your blog because it puts humor into the truth.
Thanks for a great blog.
Larry Callaway

supra shoes

Your blog is very nice & informative. I always appreciate your work. Thanks to the sharing.I am so glad to hear that you are settling in and enjoying your new surroundings. I love Arizona!

Hypnotherapy London

Very informative. Thank you for sharing, it is really good to read such an intreasting article on it all.

Susan E. Beaulieu

Having read your comments concerning the Parkinson's Mask and viewed the article and cartoon by Peter Dunlap-Shohi, I am beginning to realize how far back in time the onset of my Parkinsons goes. I am seeing your blog for the first time and I'm so happy to have found it. I look forward to taking full advantage of your website!

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