Jean from Columbia, Missouri responded to What Difference Does It Make: Apathy and Parkinson’s with the following:
“Darn!!! I thought that I was becoming a better person, mellower and less confrontational. I thought that I had finally developed the good sense to know which battles to fight and which to just let slide. But now I learn from your website that what I thought was a VIRTUE is really just a SYMPTOM--apathy.
Drat, phooey, and rats! I think that I'll just ignore the diagnosis and keep believing that Parkinson’s has given me a new perspective and greater tolerance. I think that I'll keep apathy in the VIRTUE column. I kind of like the new, more tolerant, me.”
I can be just as virtuous as the next gal. But I am less tolerant than Jean and still struggle with picking and choosing my battles. Perhaps a little dose of apathy might be the antidote for my Parkinson’s woes.
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