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if we can't afford the under water treadmill wnat else besides walking our lab can we do? she just today diagnoised with old age not severe but beginning stages neurological disease. she is 11 and in excellent health besides that. if we can afford the treadmill how ofter is that needed to do. daily, weekly, monthly?
thank u for your time. this makes me sad to think she is starting to fail. this adorable 12 week old puppy who we brought home with her sister is getting old. so sad we can't contol "father time"
we have no chidren these are our kids.


Kate Kelsall

Hi Tina,

It's difficult to see our dogs get old. We too treat our English Springer Spaniel, Oreo, like a child. Oreo takes meds for arthritis. It will be a sad day when she passes away.



i HAVE A 14 YEARS OLD CAVALIER KING CHARLES.WHO HAS HAD 2 PETIT MAL STROKES BUT IS OK NOW APART FROM TREMORS WHEN EXCITED.He has no other underlying problems as I have had a ct scan on his organs and no diebetis or lukemia.His white bllod cells are high but this could be stress(as he gets excited easily)Could this be the onset of parkinsons as I do not know what the symptoms would be apart from shaking.Could you advise what I should look for it its this,if not any other ideas?He has a heart murmour,which is not bad and takes vasitop medication and a diaetic tablet.

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hello fellas, I just want to emphasize the good work on this blog, has excellent views and a clear vision of what you are looking for

Kate Kelsall


Sorry, I have no medical or veterinarian background. I write about my experiences as a Parkinson's patient.

You need to consult with a veterinarian re: your medical concerns about your dog.

Good luck,

dog insurance

epilepsy?? dogs?? who'd have thought? that's horrible. i can imagine seeing a dog in a fit. it'll break my heart. :(

Cat Insurance

I also want to appreciate this type of good work that is very beneficial and will affect dog and humans health.

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