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Sean Hodge

As I remember there are 4 steps to accepting things that are difficult to accept. The first is denial, second it anger, third is grief, and then finally acceptance. After I found out I had PD at 46 yrs old (two years of symptoms prior) I was already over the first two steps because I've always told myself while growing up and through adulthood that if I contract something aweful my reaction shouldn't be "Why Me???" but rather "Why not me?" as I've had so many friends, family and associates go to the grave before me. I soon had two days of grieving and crying about my possible future with this disease and have accepted my condition. I'll face it with faith in God and my savior Jesus Christ. Bad things happen in this life that aren't God's doing. If I didn't look forward to my eternal reward and God's current intervention in my life I'd probably be hopeless. Keep your faith and God's help is there. Be strong. I hope you can get past the anger and move on to acceptance.

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