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Deborah Fryer

Congratulations! I love standing on my hands because it clears the mind and energizes the whole spine. I am very happy for you and proud of you. I want to see this too! Can you take a pic and post it?


Congrats Kate! Brought tears to my eyes when I read your blog. I'm so proud of what you have accomplished -- it might have been challenging, but a good challenge keeps you young!

Paul Zeiger

Wow! That is indeed a major accomplishment. It inspires me to keep up the challenging yoga poses that Parkinson's has tended to compromise.

Elizabeth Okenfuss

Kate...Thanks so much. I too had tears in my eyes as I read
about your accomplishments. This gives me hope for my brother-in-law who is living with Parkinson's and having a difficult time. As an RN, I love it when I hear something optimistic about a physicial condition!

Shari Caudron

So cool, Kate! Both the handstand (which still freaks ME out in yoga), and meeting Dr. Olga. You continue to amaze and inspire in so many way.

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