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Deborah Fryer

Several lawyers have already organized around the Mirapex lawsuit. Here is a link to just one -- http://www.rkmc.com/Litigation-Involving-Mirapex-and-Its-Link-with-Compulsive-Gambling-Disorders.htm?gclid=CPbagI7O44sCFSZJYAodnnHYPw
-- but if you google mirapex and lawsuit, you will
find lots more links.

I had heard about this case also, and it sounded to me like the man's outburst may have beeen triggered by some medication he was taking. It is clear that there is a need for the advocacy work you are offering.

Keep up the good work!

Deborah Fryer
Producer/Director of the award-winning Parkinson's movie, SHAKEN

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